Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oholone Time Machine

JASPER SAYS: For my school project I had to do an Ohlone test. The Ohlone are a Native American tribe. Their borders are from present day San Francisco to present day Monterrey. We have been studying the Ohlone for a long time. I also had to do a diorama. Most people did a diorama on a flat surface, but I did mine on the computer. I made huts, acorn granaries, tule sun shades, tule canoes, and fish racks in the program SketchUp. I put them on Google Earth when I was done. The pictures below are the results of my project.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Silas Beach Day

SILAS SAYS: I got this giganto rash on my neck. I actually stood up on a surfboard. On my first wave I fell over to the side. On the second wave I almost stood up. On my third wave I pearled, which means I went off the board and tumbled and turned over. On my very, very last wave I stood up. When I standed up to surf, I have never standed up on a surfboard ever, and I actually figured out how much fun it was. I also took two waves boogie boarding. I am going to surf more now, but my boogie boarding kind of the same. And I played with Lukie. And I found this crab shell and it actually had eyes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Big Sur(f) Spring

Big Sur was amazing. We went to the southern part of Big Sur to Plaskett Creek campground. I had been here a year an a half ago and froze in the wind and fog. For this trip it was all sun. 7 dads and 11 kids and 3 days of sun. nice gentle breezes, wonderful remote surf spots, including one BIG day at Willow Creek. We also planted 2 letterboxes and found seven on our way down in Carmel and along the Big Sur coast. We packed the car up at 9am on Tuesday and then it started to rain. We made it to Carmel and then heard the storm closed the road. It was a blessed trip.