Sunday, May 31, 2009

Makers Fair 2009

SILAS SAYS: The Makers Fair so fun because we got to see these boats from WWI and WWII battle with little bb's. It wasn't very exciting because only one ship sunk and two pieces blew off of two other ships. We got to see this metal hand pick up a stove 20 or 30 feet in the air and drop it. It tore up the stove so much, it just tore it up. It was fun because Ben-O came with us. We got to see the life size version of the game mouse trap. It took them 15 or 16 years the mouse trap and it takes them 4 days to set it up. There is this one room where there is like computers, printers and other electronics. There is also screwdrivers, wire cutters, and other tools to help you tear them apart and then make something out of it.
JASPER SAYS: The Makers Fair was really fun because we went with Ben and there was so many really cool things. There was a really cool hand that crushed a stove and a couple 55 gallon drums. The hand worked when someone put their hand in this metal thing and moved their fingers and it mover the big hand. There was also a little boat battle, where people made boats and they put them in the water. They had little turrets with bb-guns and they shot at each other to try to sink each other. To sink the other boat, you had to penetrate the balsa wood hull. There was a lot of cool thing at the Makers Fair and I enjoyed all of them.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Sunny Weekend

SILAS SAYS: Standing up on the surfboard was so fun, but I have only done it three times in my life. I was able to stand up on the board today because the waves were small and I was trying to stand up quicker. Before I took my ride on the wave to stand, but it was easier today because I got up quicker. We made this giant merman it was about 5 to 6 feet tall.

JASPER SAYS: I feel glad because SySy is learning to stand up surfing. Over the weekend we went to the beach almost every day. One day we went to the beach and made a giant merman king and the next day we just went to the beach and surfed and boogie boarded. George, Rachel, Leah, and the Horowitz family came to the beach with us both days. It was very sunny that weekend. When I was surfing for the whole weekend it made me super dooper dooper dooper tired. Goodnight.