Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crocker Sibs in SF for the Weekend

With Amy living at the house we seem to be attracting a lot more Crockers and their relations. Maybe it's the multi-course home cooked meals. Ari, George, and Leah joined the six of us, Amy, Stacy, Noah, Silas, Jasper and DaDa. Meals for about 10 people each night. Beautiful sunny surf. And a visit with Amy at her new job, can anyone guess where she works?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dipsea Day

Spent the afternoon hiking a portion of the Dipsea trail from Pan Toll Station to Stinson beach for Noah's gramma's birthday (Yay Judy). All down hill along a running stream. Noah found so many cool looking mushrooms and everyone meandered the tide pool on the beach. Then we gorged at a little restaurant in Stinson Beach. Thanks for inviting the CrockerBoys.