Sunday, April 15, 2007

There is Pooh Everywhere

Even in Korea. Pooh's are quite the phenomenon in San Francisco. They can be purchased for one dollar from special vending machines through out the city, mostly in the Chinese neighborhood stores. We usually get ours from Eggettes a little Hong Kong waffle shop near our house. It is quite the ritual and the kids can't get enough. The grown-ups call them Pooh crack for obvious reasons. I lucked out and found some unique versions in Korea and they were quite the hit.

Jasper says: Pooh's are interesting. They have strings and they're in costumes. My favorite Pooh is the Rabbit and the Honey Pot Pooh that DaDa brought back from Korea.

Silas says: My favorite Pooh is the Hamburger Pooh, but it is mine. I didn't know they had Hamburger Poohs. Today is the first day Hedgie meets my Hamburger Pooh. Hedgie tried to eat my Hamburger Pooh.

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