Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Crest Jewel

It was like going home. It has been at least 10 years since I last climbed Crest Jewel on North Dome in Yosemite. This was my sixth time up this fun and epic route. A route i have climbed with some of my closest friends over the last twenty years. The good news is I am in better shape now than in a long time and I could do it. Forty must be the new twenty.

Hanging on a slab in the middle of North Dome's Crest Jewel

The day included a ten mile hike and ten pitches of slabby dome, friction and little holds, blank faces up to 5.10a. Early to rise on Saturday morning and hiking in by 7am and on the climb by 10am. Finding the route through the manzanita was intuitive... I have been here before. Five hours and ten beautiful pitches later, with sore feet and quaking thighs, we reached the summit and had a nice two hour hike back to the car.

The long 5.9 pitch with a roof on North Dome

Then, today Sunday, I lead Reed's Direct a crazy, sustained, demanding and steep crack climb. Sinker hand jams, like riding a bicycle. The only problem, my for arms can't hang on that long. I cranked the first pitch and a half and then, for those of you in the know, Fifi helped me rest for the last few placements. But I got the pump, I felt the rock, and I remembered another wonderful part of my life, the life I am getting back!
Sustained Reed's Direct, notice person rappelling to the right for scale (red helmet)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow Charlie! That looks steep! Must have been a beautiful view from the top!