Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Halloween 2007. Got to spend the morning in both their classrooms. We baked cookies the night before for the parties and got to see the costume parade on the the upper playground. Then trick or treating in our friends neighborhood in the inner sunset. MORE SUGAR!!!

Boba Fett and the little devil

Silas' good side.

The loot!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Pretty Little Pumpkins

Prepping for Halloween we carved the pumpkins we purchased at the pumpkin patch with our pals the week past.
SILAS SAYS: it is a Pichu and it is a Pokemon. You can't see the outside of the pumpkin because it is actually a pumpkin. I wish everybody a happy Halloween.

JASPER SAYS: I made the face on a piece of paper, then my dad carved it like the picture looked like. I got to light the candles in both of our pumpkins, twice.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jasper: Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday I went to the pumpkin patch with Silas' class and today it was with Jasper's 3rd grade class. Spent the morning in the nearby community gardens doing scientific observation in their science journals. Jasper filled his with the names of seeds, flowers, roots, and vegetables. Jasper's best friend in his class, Joshua, came over this weekend and you can see him and Jasper in the picture below.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Silas: Pumpkin Patch

Silas' kindergarten class went to the pumpkin patch today. The did a hayride and climbed through straw tunnels. He got his first pumpkin of the season. The picture includes his two best buddies from his class. I think he likes school!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Silas Reads and Kicks

SILAS SAYS: I learned to read not that much in kindergarten right now, but later I will learn to read a lot.

I was a good goalie when I was blocking them. I blocked them a couple times, but not all the times.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Dogs, Old Tricks

SILAS SAYS: I liked when it was my turn driving the trains. I liked building tunnels with the blocks and when Jasper was driving his train into the tunnels so I could look through the holes in the top that we made with the blocks.

JASPER SAYS: It was fun this weekend when we saw the Blue Angels. The trains were cool because one of them went really really fast. It was the black steam engine from Japan. These were my uncle Andy's trains when he was a kid. I was Heelying (shoes with wheels in the heels) and I fell down and skinned my knee. I didn't like it, it hurt a lot.

DADA SAYS: I had a great weekend at some Hot Springs and then stayed home with the boys for their Monday holiday from school. Boys will be boys: electric trains, surfing, skinned knees and BBQ. What more could we ask for!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rockin with the Grammas

Gramma Ila and NeNe watched all four California cousins this past Saturday night. Andy and Beth brought Mia (almost 3) and Hayden (almost 1) and spent Saturday night in Mill Valley at Stefan Marti's wedding. I went to Amos' 40th birthday party near downtown SF with a new friend. We stayed in a great hotel downtown and enjoyed a very fun party with many old friends. The Grammas corralled the four cousins, bathed them, fed them, read to them, and got them all to bed... then fell over I am sure. Thanks Grammas for enabling a wonderful night for all. We all love you dearly.