SILAS SAY: I got to hold Shaq (Hayden) in the wagon and Jasper got to pull us. Mia was the flower girl. Dada just watched, he was nothing. Shaq wore a white shirt and me and
Jasper and you know that Mia was the flower girl and she wore a yellow dress. Shaq is one year old, Mia is 3 years old, Jasper is 8 years old and I am 5 years old. There were a couple little hills and Jasper pulled us and we went sown and it was super fun. I got two Juice Squeezes. There was white chocolate shells on the cake and even i got to eat one. I did a toast and I went up and I sang "By the Rivers of Babylon". Mia was really sad because she didn't really want to be the flower girl.
JASPER SAYS: It was fun. I did not really have to hold the wagon, because it was downhill and I had to keep it from rolling all the way down. When it got dark I started playing Gin with my dad and I beat him by 185 points in one hand.