Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ring Bearer Bearer Bearer

So the first of the San Diego cousins gets married... presenting Ben and Carrie Weston. The ceremony and reception were at the Martin Johnson House at Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, apparently the same location that my father celebrated finishing his PhD. It was an amazing, hot day overlooking the Scripps Pier and Blacks Beach and a short loving ceremony presided over by Reverend Andrew Crocker. Hayden was the ring bearer, Silas was the ring bearer bearer, and Jasper was the ring bearer bearer bearer as you can see in the picture. Mia was the flower girl, and after a couple diva moments, she got into character and did a great job slowly walking down the path tossing white rose petals.

SILAS SAY: I got to hold Shaq (Hayden) in the wagon and Jasper got to pull us. Mia was the flower girl. Dada just watched, he was nothing. Shaq wore a white shirt and me and
Jasper and you know that Mia was the flower girl and she wore a yellow dress. Shaq is one year old, Mia is 3 years old, Jasper is 8 years old and I am 5 years old. There were a couple little hills and Jasper pulled us and we went sown and it was super fun. I got two Juice Squeezes. There was white chocolate shells on the cake and even i got to eat one. I did a toast and I went up and I sang "By the Rivers of Babylon". Mia was really sad because she didn't really want to be the flower girl.
JASPER SAYS: It was fun. I did not really have to hold the wagon, because it was downhill and I had to keep it from rolling all the way down. When it got dark I started playing Gin with my dad and I beat him by 185 points in one hand.


Unknown said...

Thank you guys for coming down and being a part of the day. It is always nice to know that I have such wonderful family members. Can't wait until the next time I see you all!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Silas' song was a special moment. Thanks for all it took to make it happen.