Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Debenne Again in 2008

DeBenneville Pines Family Camp 2008 where I come to see my old friends, have our kids play together in nature, and be with the Grammas. The boys have found their tribes and roam the dirt, trees, and rocks of this 7000 foot elevation wonderland. I hope to see them a couple times a day emerging from the woods or forts or the pool, often with a homemade bow in their hands. I have been running some outdoor activities for the camp. Yesterday we did archery and today we built a rock and mud dam in the creek I spent much of my early teens wandering. Pool time, craft time, tie-dye, stepping stones and much origami. It is good to be here with old freinds and family, and I must say my heart is in a very different place than it was a year ago when we last visited.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008

Starting our ten day CrockerBoys summer vacation. We are on our way to DeBenneville, the camp I spent my youth at for a week of Family camp. As is tradition we stopped at Chekka's house on the way down. Chekka and I went to kindergarten and high school prom together. They live in a hot part of the valley and have a great pool. So between swimming, Coronas, and Wii Fit, we have a great start to our time off. The grammas are with us for this adventure as well. This may be the last Internet connection until we are done next weekend, but we will post if we can.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No Snow in Tahoe; Lots of Smoke

Crazy like Dada!?!

A couple weekends ago we had a great 3 day trip to the Tahoe area. A friend of mine let us use her wonderful house in the Tahoe-Donner subdivision. Three stories tall on the side of a hill covered in yellow mountain daisies. We had a great day climbing with the kids at Donner Summit. Everyone got to the top of the big slab. Dada had a short attempt on a harder route and took a bit of a fall, two weeks later, my left ankle is still sore. Next day was lazy in the house, playing Risk and pool. Then a day playing tennis, making sand castles, and peddle boating and kayaking on the western shore of Donner Lake. Sunday Team CrockerBoys merged with the Trupelli's for a grand float down the Truckee River, long and lazy. A serene communion with the natural environment and 5,000 drunk natives.
Floating the Truckee River 12 in the raft.
George takes Jasper and Elijah for a spin.
Our Tahoe team.