Tuesday, January 20, 2009

O - O - Obama

JASPER SAYS: I can't believe that Obama is president. We had a very fun time watching the inauguration. My favorite part was when everybody was coming out and last of all was Obama. Obama has a really nice car. Right after we finished watching the inauguration, we did origami while my dad was on a conference call and we are playing Lego right now.

SILAS SAYS: Obama is president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a really fun time watching Obama coming out last 'cuz all the other people came first and Obama and George Bush came out last. He has an awesome limo. Sasha and Malia are Obama's kids and they were walking out too. I'm glad my dad's not president because we would have to do about a billion trillion gazillion papers everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo and blog entry. You will have that photo to show your kids someday. I liked President Obama's speech. He said many things that I believe in my head and my heart. Love Gramma Ila