Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Del Mar Days for July 4th

JASPER SAYS: My vacation was very fun. We went surfing and body surfing and boogie boarding. We also had SiSi and my birthday. We also went hiking at Red Rocks and found this really cool sculpture that had three things that looked like gears and standing up on 3 poles. We also went to La Jolla Cove and went snorkeling. We a bunch of fish. The main one we saw were Garibaldi. Garabildi is an orange fish.
SILAS SAYS: We went to Red Rocks and had a really fun time. We letterboxed in Red Rocks, we fixed them up. I found this crazy thing that has these cones on the sides and a bucket at the bottom of the cones. It had 3 of those lots of cones. We went to La Jolla cove. We saw lots of fish, there were millions. The second time we went to the Cove the waves were big and it was not as much fun.

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