Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Harry Potter Lord of the Flies

A couple more days into camp. This is such a traditional feeling summer camp, everything you would expect, arts and crafts, new friends, hiking, staying up late, canoes, swimming, camp food. Gramma Ila and I are in charge of the Gryfindors (ages 7-10) and we have all boys so i am in heaven and taking charge. On the first night of camp we did the Sorting Hat, which I lead and sorted all 50 kids into age groups named after the Hogwarts Houses in the Harry Potter books. I got to be silly and enjoyed being the emcee. I am definitely pushing the Gryfindor boys. First day we swam in the pool for our hour and a half, then today we went on a long hike up the creek and then overland without a trail (see picture in the creek).

Then this evening we walked to Jenks lake to canoe and eat our evening meal by the lake. Had lots of fun in the boats and even got Gramma Ila to go for a paddle. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we are enjoying camp!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

DBFC: DeBenneville Family Camp

Jasper says: It is really fun, but it is going to be even funner tomorrow because we are going to go in the swimming pool. I made two friends already there names are Jake and Ryan. I have been to the lake but it is polluted so we can't go in. Today we went lizard hunting. We need to drink a lot of water because we are in high altitude. I found a creek that has water in it and this year was supposed to be really low on water.

Silas says: When we found out that we could go under the decks we went under and found lots of cool things. I am in my cabin right now. Dada is writing this on his computer at DeBenneville. I just drawed a horse and it painted itself because it wanted to be fancy.

Friday, July 27, 2007

BIG 50: Pretending we're in Mexico

Our 50th blog since March 11, just over four months. What fun for the CrockerBoys. We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have. Looking forward to the next 50.

So we are in HOT Los Angeles, Granada Hills at the north end of the valley. Did I say it is HOT? We are pretending we are in Mexico, Coronas by the pool and most of the day by the pool. A nice 2 hour siesta fit in well. Tonight more BBQ and wine with Chekka and Craig and their two sons Alex and Eric.

Jasper says: It's been a really good vacation but it is going to be even better because we are going to Debenneville camp. We are going with our gramma to camp. There is a pool at Debenneville and there is also cabins instead of tents. This is our fiftieth blog, the blogging has been fun for me because I get to say stuff, and I get share my life and trips with my friends and family.

Silas says: when we go to Debenniville it is going to be fun. We are at Alex and Eric's house right now and tomorrow we go to Debenneville.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hello mudder, hello fadder we are off to camp...

Gramma Ila arrived last night and we are furiously packing up for 11 days on the road heading to Camp DeBenneville Pines. The camp is located in the San Bernardino Mountains at an elevation of 7000 ft. This is the camp where I came of age and had many of the most formative experiences of my youth. Gramma Ila brought us there in 1978 when I was 12 and Andy was 8 years old. Next week is Family Camp. Families from all over California and Arizona will be there and most will be the same "kids" that i played with almost 30 years ago. It will be a great reunion where we get to share the same spaces we haunted years ago and bring our own children together in a place that means so much to all of us. Gramma Ila and I are counselors running the craft table for the 8-10 year olds.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Little master builder

Silas has always been a focused pattern master, block builder, and Lego constructor. But over the last few months he has become a master builder with Lego sets of all sizes. For his birthday he got several complicated sets. He builds them completely on his own, following the detailed directions slowly and confidently. In fact if Jasper or I get too close or offer a hand he usually flips out, give the artist his space. The Lego airplane in the picture has over 400 pieces and took him 3 days. He diligently followed the 40 page instruction book.

Silas says: This was my favorite thing I built at my Dad's house. My plane it was so cool, it was better than my other plane because my other plane had a missing piece in the front. Front is my favorite place and on the other airplane I had big giant pieces, so i have two airplanes.

The bigger set of Lego in the picture above is an accumulation of almost 40 years. There are pieces my brother Andy and I played with as children, sets bought for the Crocker kids in Del Mar (George, Amy, and Ariel), and more recent acquisitions from thrifts stores, garage sales and sets for the Crocker Boys. HINT: dump out all the Lego on to a blanket, it is easier to find the pieces you are looking for and easy to pour back into the storage container.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Silas Turns 5 Years Old

Happy Birthday my little one. It feels like you have already been five for a few months. Try to find the secret hidden pattern that Silas created in the cake with M+Ms. Great party today at the boat park in Golden Gate Park, well atttended by our wonderful Sunset Coop and Outer Sunset crew.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Little Left on July Fourth

Jasper says: I liked Mo's visit and the most special thing was when we went to the Mime Troupe with him. He is not our uncle but he is kind of our uncle. I have known him since I was zero years old. It was really fun to have him over for a visit. He is moving to Las Vegas. He is a clown in a circus this is what he does for a job.

Silas says: Nothing... thanks for coming to visit Mo.

Thanks for coming by Amos, we loved spending the evening and the whole Fourth of July with you. Great for DaDa to connect with a good old friend who has really been there for me. What ever you need Mo you know only to ask! It was an honor to attend the 48th Annual SF Mime Troupe play in Dolores Park (opening weekend) with a Mime Troupe collective member. Safe journey to Las Vegas, we will come visit soon. Thank Ben, Sue, and Tim for coming along too!
Wow 4 Pokemon EX cards, Mo can't believe it.
Silas showing off his collection.
CrockerBoys enjoy the show. The heat was a little much for us fog dwellers.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

He Made Me Do It

Silas asked me to shave his head yesterday when I had mine done. I gave him several offers to not do it or just make it short but he really wanted it. I was nervous and when it was over it was so CUTE! Silas was quite excited, just see the smile. Bold little guy.

Silas says: I cut my hair because I wanted to be bald, because I wanted everyone to think that I was a different person, like Mollie did and Kira. And because I wanted to feel it all short.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Simon Says Play Ball

Thanks to Fred, Toby, and Max for inviting us to the Giants game today. It is Max's 9th birthday and he spent the afternoon with us. Sunny warm day at the Park. The Giants beat the pants off the Arizona Diamondbacks 13-0. It was an exciting game. After the game the kids and Fred went down the Coca Cola slide and then we got to run the bases and see themselves on the Jumbotron. Great day at the ball game.

Now we end the day with a sleep over with some of Silas' best friends in preparation for his turning 5 on Friday.

Our team takes the field

Silas, Max and Toby on the Jumbotron (yellow underline), Jasper ran too fast and right out of the frame.

Toby rushes home plate.

Silas finishes his run on the bases.