Sunday, July 15, 2007

Little master builder

Silas has always been a focused pattern master, block builder, and Lego constructor. But over the last few months he has become a master builder with Lego sets of all sizes. For his birthday he got several complicated sets. He builds them completely on his own, following the detailed directions slowly and confidently. In fact if Jasper or I get too close or offer a hand he usually flips out, give the artist his space. The Lego airplane in the picture has over 400 pieces and took him 3 days. He diligently followed the 40 page instruction book.

Silas says: This was my favorite thing I built at my Dad's house. My plane it was so cool, it was better than my other plane because my other plane had a missing piece in the front. Front is my favorite place and on the other airplane I had big giant pieces, so i have two airplanes.

The bigger set of Lego in the picture above is an accumulation of almost 40 years. There are pieces my brother Andy and I played with as children, sets bought for the Crocker kids in Del Mar (George, Amy, and Ariel), and more recent acquisitions from thrifts stores, garage sales and sets for the Crocker Boys. HINT: dump out all the Lego on to a blanket, it is easier to find the pieces you are looking for and easy to pour back into the storage container.

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