Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bop, Noodle, Goober, and Moo

Another great overnight in Santa Cruz with the Gerlach's. We were blessed with sun burning through the fog early in the day and we headed to Cowell's a great longboarding spot with slow moving waves and long rides. Except that today there was no surf. Jasper, Gabby and I paddled out together and enjoyed just being in the water and for Jasper and I it was great recon for our next visit when there is hopefully more surf. Thanks again Gerlach's for your love and friendship, you all mean so much to us!

Bop, noodle, goober, and moo. Girls all dressed up for dance recital pictures.

Silas says: It was really fun when I was at Santa Cruz. Because I got to go to the beach and Maya painted my face. I loved watching movies too.

Jasper says: Cowell's surf was little and I did not like it. I would want to go back some time if the surf was better. We went right in front of there house to the beach and there was big surf. I got really knocked around. I rolled over twice and I hit my head twice and I hit my bottom once. It was really fun. I liked surfing with Gabby and I would like to do it another time.

Goober and Bop getting ready for Cowell's. Note the large surf in the back ground.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Jasper is already a wave connoisseur! He's already critiqueing the surf! And getting knocked around in the surf and still saying its fun, he must be a Crocker!