Sunday, June 24, 2007

DMCs and SFCs in SF

Great weekend with the Del Mar Crockers (DMCs) Andy, Beth, Mia, and Shaq (Hayden) spent three nights at the "Boys Club". Silas and Jasper were here for Saturday all day and overnight and got lots of great hang time with the cousins. Mia is talking up a storm and loves to repeat what you are saying. She adores Jasper and Silas and says their name over and over as she chases them around the house. Several times Mia called across the room "Charlie" and gave me that sweet look only she has. That little girl knows how to connect with people and clearly loves her family. Shaq is a thug-baby in size, but a real calm teddy bear. Joyful on is back watching the swirl of the bigger kids. Silas and Jasper would make him laugh until he was way over stimulated. And Shaq will get the giggles, if you have ever seen a 6 month old with the giggles, it is contagious. One thing very high ion the cuteness meter was Mia sleeping with Silas in his bed and then Jasper, Silas, and Mia all snuggling quietly together in Silas' bed the next morning. CUTE!

Went to a party in San Anselmo and got to see many of Andy and Beth's old friends and make some new ones. And we got to see Hud and his wonderful daughters Hannah and Hayden. Hud and I used to play music together and have not seen each other in awhile. It was a good homecoming.

Mia never stopped laughing.

The Crocker cousins are connected and getting these two families together is a high priority. We can't wait for more adventures to come.

Shaq gets his first taste of Pokemon.

SFCs at the stables in Presidio.

1 comment:

Amy said...

CUTE! Sounds like it was a fun time with the DMCs! That photo of Jasper and Hayden is gorgeous!