Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Fair Time Was Had by All

Took the boys and the Horowitz clan (minus Joel) to the Marin County Fair today. Parked in the Auto desk parking lot and gave the kids a tour of my office. See the picture below of the five of them standing on my desk. The fair was great. For the price of the admission all the rides are free. We arrived early so there were no lines and the kids did one of the fun houses at least 20 times. Got to see some pig races, the Sippy Cups (they rock so hard), and eat plenty of ribs, snow cones, and cotton candy. And as if this was not enough we jetted out in time to meet Ben-O and family at the Balboa Theater to see the new Pixar movie Ratatouille. Great and long day. Read a little Inkheart and we all crashed early.

Silas says: when I was going on the slide it was really fun because I was going the fastest. I got two stuffed animals and one of them was a sea otter and one of them was a bear. That's all.

Jasper says: I liked the hang glider ride and the first ride that I went on, that roller coaster. I liked the Shrek Adventure because I went really fast on the slide and I bounced on the thing you get on the end of the slide. I really wanted to go on the upside down rides, but we didn't have time. That's all.

The kids on my desk in San Rafael

I want, I want some more, gimmie gimmie gimmie I want some more.

Taking a little lady for a drive.

How come the dark side is so attractive?

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