Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big Waves, Little Chipmunks

CrockerBoys headed south Saturday morning for a visit to our other family in Santa Cruz. We arrived to a house filled with five 7 to 10 year old girls in the middle of practising their Alvin and the Chipmunks five song dance routine. Jasper became the iTunes technician and Silas bopped around while dada hit big surf at Sewers Peak at pPeasure Point. Long right point break and big drops, paddled until my arms failed. When I returned we got to see the dress rehearsal of the girls performance... BRAVO ladies. Then I took the GerGirls and the CrockerBoys to see the Alvin movie, even dada laughed, and we all ate too much popcorn and skittles.
The Alvin dance company.

Today we hung with the Gerlachs, dada's arms were worked from two hard days of paddling so we focused on breakfast and skateboarding (expect new review soon). Cori was lamenting we needed some Mexican food when an older man with a cooler on wheels hollered "tamales 99 cents." We ordered seven and then saw him on the way home and ordered a dozen more. Good to be with loving friends and enjoy a sunny weekend in Santa Cruz.
Those young forties.

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