Monday, March 31, 2008

So the Nose Goes

JASPER SAYS: I broke my nose. It really hurt. This is how I broke my nose. First, I went down a hill at McInnis skatepark. Then, I went over a bump and then I went up a hill but I didn't do what I was planning on and then I fell face first on my nose and it went crooked. After that I had to go to the emergency room. When we got there they tried to crack my nose into place without sedateing me, but it didn't work because it hurt me too much. Then we had to wait a couple hours and they gave me an I.V. and they sedated me. Then when I woke up I had to stay in the hospital bed for awhile becasue I was really spaced out from the sedation. Now my nose is straight.


Anonymous said...

WOW JASPER!!! You are so strong to make it through BROKEN NOSE! i hope it heal quick :)

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Amy said...

ouch! I hope you feel better Jasper!