Sunday, December 14, 2008

Amy the Great and Sy Sy

SILAS SAYS: It is a really fun time with Amy so far and there are going to be many more fun parts soon. Cause today we are going to Haight street where there are really cool stores with old fashioned toys. She came to my class and we made poinsettias. she helped me fold the leaves and my dad helped me make a really cool shaped pot.
Amy took care of us last night because my daddy went out. We made chocolate chip cookies and instead of butter me an Amy put apple sauce in the cookies and it tasted really good because the apple sauce didn't even taste. and on that same night we watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean. And a few days ago George was here and we had a really fun time with him and we wrestled and he slept over for one night because he got here really late so he had to sleep over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!